A language everybody speaks

The master thesis deals with the idea of immediacy of bodily expression and a possible translation into spatial notations and configurations. Starting with the three-dimensional capturing of a dancer’s movement the work develops a unique notation system in 2D and 3D.

Expression is an important component of non-verbal communication between people. It is a non-linguistic behaviour that provides information about inner states and emotions through moving bodily states, whereby there does not have to be a compelling communicative intention on the part of the sender. Thus, expression, essentially reduced, is another modality for feelings, the expressive bodily component of inner emotions.

In order to give expression an abstract physicality in notation, the various sections of the disproportionate time axis are given specific expressive values in the form of shapes and colours. This is done through structural similarities of the observed and emotionally charged dance gestures represented by the tracking data to the placed carriers. The structure of the notation aims at linking form/colour with specifically experienced emotional milieus in the viewer’s associative space.